How and Why to Invest in Meth House Decontamination?

Common household construction materials can often retain various chemicals or solutions, creating unsightly stains, disturbing smells, and potentially hazardous living conditions. 

A full house decontamination is the best solution to address these issues, but it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the process. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the importance of decontaminating a meth-contaminated house and how to restore a safe living environment, while also delving into the benefits of enlisting professional restoration services to take on the task.

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What is Considered a ‘Meth-Contaminated House’?

As an illicit substance, methamphetamines must be ‘cooked’ in discrete locations, typically residential properties, with a selection of different chemicals and toxic ingredients like pseudoephedrine, phosphine, and acetone.

A meth-contaminated house, or ‘P-House’, simply refers to a property where methamphetamines have been either manufactured or heavily used. After repeated exposure to the toxic chemicals released, these houses quickly become hazardous places as fumes seep into the walls, flooring, and air conditioning systems. 

Are “Meth Houses” Dangerous or Toxic?

Yes, a contaminated house exposed to meth is extremely dangerous. Even after someone disassembles the workstations that previously mixed the ingredients, removing the risk of explosions or fires directly linked to the process, the residue of toxic substances can still create prolonged health issues for new inhabitants.

By its nature, methamphetamine is a crystalline substance that evaporates with heat. As the vapour cools, however, it re-crystallises on surfaces throughout a home. Over time, the accumulated chemicals across the walls, ceilings, and carpets can reach dangerously high levels. 

Families living in these homes may experience:

  • Recurring illnesses
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Severe sinus issues
  • Poor weight gain in infants
  • Migraines
  • Respiratory problems
  • Skin irritation
  • And more

Some individuals even exhibit traces of methamphetamine in their blood work despite no history of use. 

If you or your family members suffer from constant, unexplained illnesses after moving into a new home, it is possible that the property’s history was not adequately disclosed to you.

Can a Meth House Be Cleaned Up?

The good news is that, yes, a meth house can be cleaned up through a process known as P-house decontamination. By calling upon professionals specialising in house decontamination with the necessary training and tools to perform a comprehensive review, it is possible to remove toxic residue and restore a property to a safe and habitable condition. 

What is P-House Decontamination?

House decontamination involves removing any harmful chemicals or materials, like those found in meth houses, to prevent the new inhabitants from contracting any adverse health effects. 

This service often involves thorough cleaning, proper ventilation, and specialised equipment to eliminate toxic residue and mitigate associated risks. House decontamination is a critical step in restoring a property to its original condition, protecting the health of the occupants, and maintaining the property’s value.

Are There Tests to Identify a Meth House?

Outside of finding any on-site chemicals or paraphernalia related to manufacturing methamphetamines, it might seem challenging to detect P-house decontamination.

Start by using your senses. 

Are you noticing any strong smells that you cannot seem to identify? It could be the residual smell from the chemicals still lingering within the walls. Similarly, the iodine byproducts used in the production process can leave red or yellow stains on the walls. 

If you spot these signs, progress to more official testing, including surface wipes and air sampling tests that can be processed and confirmed through laboratory analysis.

Why Should You Decontaminate a House?

P-house decontamination is an absolute must for several reasons, including: 

  • Health & Wellbeing: It protects occupants against any potential health issues caused by exposure to meth residue. 
  • Increased Property Value: House decontamination not only ensures a clean and safe living space, but also shows prospective buyers they won’t have to invest any further to make the property ready to move in.
  • Meet Your Obligations: Additionally, decontamination can help owners comply with regulations and avoid potential legal issues associated with meth-contaminated properties. 

Is Cleaning a Meth House Dangerous?

With the appropriate protective gear and specialised tools, cleaning a meth house can indeed be dangerous, especially when attempted without professional assistance. 

The chemicals present in these homes can prove highly toxic, causing great harm if not handled correctly. For this reason, always seek expert help when dealing with a contaminated house, as these professionals are trained to handle hazardous materials and follow proper safety protocols, ensuring the decontamination process is executed safely.

How to Decontaminate a P-House?

Decontaminating a house requires a meticulous approach and involves several steps to ensure the safety and well-being of its occupants:

  1. Assessing the extent of contamination: Conducting tests and inspections to determine the level of meth contamination throughout the property.
  2. Developing a decontamination plan: Based on the assessment, we create a comprehensive decontamination plan, including appropriate safety measures, equipment, and a timeline for the project. This plan will serve as a roadmap for the cleanup process. For example, Restoration Specialists follow the e follow the NZS8510:2017 guidelines created by standards NZ.
  3. Removing contaminated materials: We begin by removing contaminated items such as carpets, furniture, and wall coverings, as these materials may need to be replaced entirely or cleaned using specialised techniques, depending on the severity of the contamination.
  4. Cleaning and sanitising surfaces: We must also thoroughly clean and sanitise all surfaces, including walls, floors, and air ducts. To do so, we use professional-grade cleaning solutions and equipment to ensure the effective removal of toxic residue.
  5. Ventilating the property: Proper ventilation is vital during the decontamination process as it removes airborne contaminants and prevents the buildup of toxic fumes.
  6. Repairing or replacing damaged components: After cleaning, we will assess the property for any damages that may have occurred due to contamination or the decontamination process. We can then repair or replace any damaged materials and components to restore the property’s structural integrity and aesthetics.

Conducting post-cleanup tests: After the decontamination, we will conduct air and surface tests to confirm the successful removal of contaminants. These tests ensure the property is safe for habitation and meets regulatory standards.


Cleaning a contaminated meth house can prove imperative for protecting those living within the property from acute and long-term health hazards. By understanding the dangers of meth-contaminated houses and employing the right professional services from industry specialists, homeowners can take the necessary steps to restore their property to its original condition, preserving its value and ensuring a safe environment.

Why Choose Restoration Specialists to Address for P-House Decontamination?

Do you have concerns that the residue of methamphetamine manufacturing has contaminated your property? 

Enlisting help from our dedicated professionals at Restoration Specialists can protect your family’s health and increase the value of your property. We have years of experience in house decontamination, delivering tailored solutions with specialist equipment for a complete and thorough restoration.

Contact us today by calling 0800 332 664 or sending an email to to discuss your individual needs and how Restoration Specialists can help.