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Flooded Carpet Cleaning & Drying

Flooding can happen in the home for all manner of reasons, but it is most often the result of burst pipes and hot water cylinders. If water damage isn’t dealt with in a timely fashion, you may risk damage to the homes beyond repair. Carpet flood damage can even spread dangerous mould and bacteria throughout the home and damage other precious valuables within your home.

Carpet Drying
Flooded House

Flood Restoration for Wet Carpet

When it comes to water damage to your carpets, thankfully, there is a solution. We offer cleaning for flooded carpets and restoration services that can bring your carpets back to life. Our restoration services can minimise the damage to your home and ensure the safety of your prized possessions. Whether you’ve experienced a leaking dishwasher or a full-scale flood, water can cause irreversible damage in your home, therefore, drying a flooded carpet quickly is essential. Mould growth can occur in as little as 36 hours and, once it does, other items in your home such as clothing, furniture, or even walls and floors can be damaged, too and require costly mould restoration.

Professional carpet cleaning uses advanced structural drying techniques to effectively dry your home, restoring it to its former glory. We use only commercial-grade equipment to safely dry out your home while we salvage your treasured belongings from excessive moisture.

Why Should I Get My Carpet Dried?

The clean-up of flooded carpets is far more involved than most people realise. Standard household equipment (e.g. your washing machine) simply isn’t powerful enough to dry serious damage to carpets.

Flooded carpets, especially those with contaminated waters, can have drastic consequences, such as:

  • Hazardous bacteria filtering throughout your home
  • Structural damage to building foundations
  • Decreased air quality
  • Unpleasant smells lingering in the home

All this can compromise your health and cause irreversible damage to your home, which can be costly, if not impossible, to fix.

The carpet drying process requires professional equipment and the skills to quickly assess the situation and proceed with the best flood restoration approach. We use proven techniques to dry affected areas at lightning speeds.

After the water extraction process, our restoration specialists will restore your home as necessary, such as drywall or flooring. Attempting this without a professional could mean risking exposure to hazardous materials, such as asbestos.

Carpet Drying

Why Hire Restoration Specialists in Auckland?

Restoration Specialists have a strong background of experience restoring flooded buildings in
Auckland and across New Zealand. Our goal is to minimise damage to your home by offering:

Lightning-Fast Response

24/7 service allows us
to minimise damage

Experienced IICRC
Trained Staff

The International Inspection Cleaning & Restoration Certification ensures international standards and high levels of training are upheld

Remote Drying Monitoring Systems

We remotely monitor affected environments 24/7. If conditions change, we rectify the situation immediately

Comprehensive Restoration Software

We communicate updates in


When your home is heavily damaged, we reinstate materials at cost-effective rates

Contact us now to discuss your situation or request a no-obligation free quote!

Restoration Specialists offer specialist carpet drying in Auckland for fast, effective
flood and water damage restoration. Contact us to learn more.