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Biohazard, Forensic, Crime Scene, and Trauma Cleanup

At Restoration Specialists, we offer specialised biohazard clean up after death, crime scene clean up, and forensic cleaning services throughout NZ.

Our expertise ranges from meticulous biohazard cleaning to trauma clean up and even hoarder house clean up.

Professional, Meticulous, Discrete Clean Up

We’re leaders in crime scene cleaning in NZ, and our dedicated team fully grasps the emotional depth of these situations. Approaching every task with empathy, we ensure professionalism in our forensic cleaning and trauma cleaning services, all while providing transparency in our trauma clean up prices and biohazard cleaning rates.

Choose us for unwavering care and top-tier biohazard cleaning services.

Our Biohazard Clean Up Team are Ready to Respond 24/7


Cleaning for Hoarders

At Restoration Specialists, we approach hoarder house cleanups with empathy and understanding.
Our team specialises in the friendly removal of accumulated waste materials, discarded products, and clutter often found in hoarding situations. We handle even the most challenging situations like animal faeces, urine, and other contaminants often encountered in hoarded environments.
Beyond mere cleaning, our process involves thorough sanitization, disinfection, and restoration of properties. With our specialised hoarder cleaning services, you can trust in a fresh start.

Crime Scene Cleaning

Our dedicated experts at Restoration Specialists are deeply experienced in handling sensitive crime scene cleaning situations such as homicide, suicide, and unattended death scenarios. In addition to these, we are adept at managing cleanup tasks related to fingerprint dust, industrial accidents, and other complex crime scene aftermaths.
Our comprehensive services are trusted by numerous authorities, extending to collaboration with the coroner and various related parties. We understand the gravity and intricacy of crime scene decontamination, ensuring that every scene is returned to a safe state, free from any potential hazards.

Contact us now to discuss your situation or request a no-obligation free estimate!

What to do if you have affected property

Dealing with a biohazard situation can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. Restoration Specialists NZ guides you through the process with care and empathy. Follow these steps if you find yourself in need of biohazard cleanup:

Step 1: Prioritise Safety and Call for Help

Your safety and well-being come first. If you encounter a biohazard situation, such as a crime scene, trauma incident, or hazardous materials, immediately ensure that you and others are at a safe distance.

Dial emergency services if needed, and then contact Restoration Specialists for professional biohazard cleanup assistance.

Step 2: Wait for the Experts

Once you’ve contacted us, our dedicated team will swiftly respond to your call. We understand the urgency of the situation and will prioritise your needs. During this waiting period, avoid contact with the affected area and keep others away.

Step 3: Assess and Plan

When our experienced professionals arrive, they’ll assess the situation and create a detailed plan for the trauma or biohazard cleanup process. We’ll walk you through the steps we’ll take and answer any questions you may have. Your peace of mind is important to us.

Step 4: Thorough Cleanup and Restoration

Restoration Specialists will begin the meticulous cleanup, disinfection, and restoration process.

We’ll use advanced techniques and equipment to ensure all biohazards are safely removed and decontaminated in the affected area. Our goal is to restore your property to a safe and habitable condition.

Step 5: Disposal and Proper Handling

During biohazard cleanup, our team will safely dispose of items that cannot be restored due to contamination risks. This careful disposal is crucial for preventing the spread of biohazards. Rest assured, we’ll handle this step responsibly and in accordance with regulations.

Step 6: Discreet and Compassionate Service

We understand the sensitivity of biohazard situations. Restoration Specialists take a discreet and compassionate approach, ensuring your privacy and comfort throughout the process. Our goal is to support you during this challenging time.

Step 7: Follow-Up and Assurance

After the trauma cleanup is complete, our team will follow up to ensure your satisfaction and address any concerns you might have. We take pride in delivering comprehensive and reliable biohazard cleanup services.

Facing a biohazard cleanup can be difficult, but Restoration Specialists are here to provide expert assistance and caring support at every step. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities.

Detailed Documentation for Transparency and Verification

At Restoration Specialists Ltd, we believe in open communication and accountability. As part of our commitment to transparency, we meticulously document each step of the biohazard cleanup process. This comprehensive documentation serves several important purposes:

  1. Transparency: We want you to have a clear understanding of the actions we’re taking. Our detailed documentation outlines the procedures performed, the products used, and the areas addressed. This transparency provides you with a complete picture of the cleanup process.

  2. Verification: Our documentation acts as a record of the work completed. You can rely on these records for verification purposes, ensuring that the cleanup was conducted thoroughly and professionally. In case of any questions or concerns, you’ll have concrete evidence of the steps taken.

  3. Justification: In situations that require insurance claims, legal proceedings, or other forms of justification, our documentation becomes invaluable. The detailed records we provide can help support your case, offering evidence of the biohazard cleanup process and the steps taken to restore the property.

Restoration Specialists take great care in compiling accurate and detailed documentation. This practice underscores our dedication to quality service and ensures you have the information to make informed decisions and move forward confidently.

As always, if you have any inquiries regarding the documentation or any other aspect of the trauma and biohazard cleanup process, our team is here to assist you. Your peace of mind and satisfaction are at the core of our mission.

We May Ask​ Some Questions

Flooding from the rain, burst pipe, sewerage backflow? You will need to ascertain the cause. Without stopping the liquid flowing into your property, we can not restore it, and more water damage will occur.
Perhaps you need a plumber, a drain layer, or council water reticulation services such as Watercare or Hamilton council.
We can still help remove as much liquid as possible while it is coming in to mitigate damages. However, we are unable to begin drying until water has stopped flowing.

The longer the time that has elapsed, the deeper the liquid absorbs. We adjust our drying and cleaning strategies, depending on the amount of time that has passed since the flood started.
Maybe you just arrived back from holiday and walked into a flooded home, office or property? Which is not uncommon. Let us know how long you think it could have been, as we may need to take action against microbial growth.

How many rooms, floors, and the area’s size is essential to ensure we turn up with enough staff and equipment. We will remove the standing water and dry the affected space and materials.
Has the flood travelled from a level above? Perhaps the electrical supply needs to be isolated to ensure safety.
Make sure to check in surrounding rooms and cupboards to ensure your contents do not get damaged. Remove as much furniture from the flood area as possible.

Freshwater, washing machine water, rainwater, or sewerage?
Depending on the flood source, it can change the actions we take to restore your property. See below for the categories and the correct methods of remediation.

Don’t wait! Contact the Auckland biohazard and trauma specialists for a no-obligation free estimate!

Who do we Service?

Restoration Specialists Vehicle
  • Insurance Providers
  • Loss Adjusters
  • Facilities Managers
  • Claims Managers
  • Government Agencies
  • Health Care Facilities
  • Home Owners & Tenants
  • Property Managers
  • Real Estate Agencies
  • Property Investors
  • Body Corporates
  • Food Processing Facilities
  • Defence Force
  • and more….


Why Not Contact Us To See if We Can Help You Out Too?

Restoration Specialists

At Restoration Specialists, we can take care of your water damage, flood restoration, and carpet drying needs. We also work in the following areas for all of your water damage.

  • Mt. Roskill
  • Takapuna
  • Browns Bay
  • Silverdale
  • Orewa
  • Parnell
  • Ponsonby
  • Hobsonville
  • Takanini
  • Ellerslie